D-TECH es una división de la compañía PLASFICH

D-TECH es una división de la compañía PLASFICH

Industrial ventilation
Solutions for a range
of industrial sectors
Conventional biofilters
Activated carbon
Wet scrubbers for
odour control
Hybrid systems
Biotrickling filters

Our history

D-TECH is a division of PLASFICH, Company specialized in odour control technologies in urban and industrial WWTP, MSW treatment plants, and air treatment in other industries, such as chemical, pharmaceutical and galvanizing industries.

Deodorization and Air Purification in Industry

Infrastructure, technical and human resources, together with the production and storage capacity of raw materials and finished products, have allowed D-TECH to position itself in the market as a leading brand in its sector.


We serve these industries with solutions tailored to their needs.